A healthy alternative to sugar-filled icy poles these tea icy poles are REFRESHING, DELICIOUS, and so healthy for you.
Here is our step by step recipe to make your own lime tea icy poles
1. Brew your tea with good strength by using twice the amount of loose leaf as normal. Let your tea cool.
2. Add any fruit, herbs, & petals you like to your tea popsicle cases! Be creative...
3. Pour the cold tea into the popsicle cases, if you want your popsicles to be a bit sweeter you can add some honey or agave syrup.
4. Pop the lids on and put them in the freezer!
5. Enjoy the next day!
It's as easy as that! We used our refreshing blend 'Escape The Limelight' for a nice limey punch in our icy poles. Have a try using your favourite BBB tea blend and let us know how it turns out!